Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Get the Edge - My African Dream

I’m interested in what makes the difference between those who succeed and those who fail. As a high school teacher, I get to see and assist students as they migrate from failures academically to wanting to do well in school. The “difference” is often the same for most students: they looked at where their life was heading (no diploma and lack of opportunity) and realized they wanted more out of life. Sometimes I’m just a catalyst in the conversation.

It’s not really different for adults. Perhaps we’re overweight, struggling financially, making poor nutritional choices or any number of life zappers. Anthony Robbins latest product “Get the Edge” is based on the concept that change happens in a moment. That moment could be “I don’t care what it takes, but I’ll never . . . again.” From there you program your brain to get you the edge and to begin fulfill your dreams.

When was the last time you fulfilled a dream? Do you have a dream big enough that it’s worth the sacrifice to get it? For some people an exotic vacation may be just the dream they need to get the juice of life flowing again. Not surprisingly, the good folks at are offering a free 10-day African dream simply by building your Sportron business. I hope to see you at the 5-star Inter –Continental Hotel in Johannesburg before we head out on our African safari.

1 comment:

Ada said...

I have a big dream,and i don't know if i will realize it one day,every time i mention it to my friend on,he just make fun of me